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Screen Marker

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  1. Screen Marker Chrome
  2. Screen Marker

Screen Marker Chrome

Screen MarkerScreen Marker
ScreenMaker es una utilidad que permite dibujar sobre la pantalla del ordenador. Constituye una herramienta muy útil cuando se está llevando a cabo una explicación en el PC.
ScreenMaker contiene distintos controles con los que podrás dibujar diferentes formas en la pantalla: rotulador, línea recta, rectángulo, elipse y goma de borrar.
El programa permite seleccionar tanto el grosor de los controles (hay cinco tamaños disponibles) como el color (posee una paleta con 28 colores).
Las dos formas geométricas pueden dibujarse con o sin relleno. También existe un botón para limpiar la pantalla.
ScreenMaker resulta muy útil a la hora de realizar exposiciones mediante el ordenador. Mientras se explica un apartado determinado de la pantalla se puede dibujar sobre ésta para disipar las dudas.

Screen Marker

  1. Screen Marker is a Windows utility that lets you create markings anywhere on the screen. Screen Marker gives you a transparent overlay upon which you can write, scribble or whatever. If you’re familiar with Microsoft OneNote, then the concept is similar here. OneNote is more sophisticated, but Screen Marker is more lightweight and streamlined.
  2. Screen Marker is an application used for drawing on the current screen using a variety of tools. The primarily use for such a system is typically when there is a remote administration session in-progress and the participants require the functionality to draw on the screen to highlight existing or provide further information to all those involved.
  3. Does anyone have any link to a safe screen marker utility? The screenmarker domain/download has been co-oped by a screen sharing utility which i don't want, and the next best thing costs $99 for some fucked up reason. Note: it has to have the ability create boxes. Freehand-drawn boxes are ugly and trigger me.
  4. Presentation Marker could offer a significant help during a product demonstration or foil presentation when there is a need to make annotation on screen.

Screen Marker
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